Sunday, May 29, 2011

The STAR formula

"STAR" é uma fórmula usada para responder questões comportamentais em entrevistas através de 4 passos:


Alguns preferem usar "SAR" (Situation, Action, Result) ou "PAR" (Problem, Action, Result) , mas no fundo são a mesma coisa. Mas como funciona?

Durante a entrevista você terá que falar sobre vários momentos e acontecimentos na sua carreira, como comentei no post anterior, mas não basta simplesmente jogar os fatos para o entrevistador. É necessários estruturar uma história: relatar o cenário (situation), qual era o objetivo que deveria ser atingido(Task), o que foi feito para atingir esse objetivo (Action), e qual foi o resultado (Result).

É claro que você sempre vai contar histórias com finais felizes, como aquele projeto dificílimo no qual você tinha um curto espaço de tempo para entegar e de repente, imprevistos apareceram, mas como você tem muito jogo de cintura, é um bom comunicador e sabe trabalhar em equipe, saiu tudo conforme previsto e a empresa economizou um dinheirão por causa da sua criatividade.

Alguns exemplos:

The Problem: I had a customer who did not want to hear about the features of my merchandise because of a prior interaction with my company.

The Action:
I listened to her story and made sure I heard her complaint. I then explained how I would have handled the situation differently and how I can offer her better service. I showed her some facts that changed her mind about dealing with the company again.

The Result:
She not only bought the merchandise, but complimented how I handled her account. She is now one of my best customers.
The Problem: At my last job I was de Administrative Assistant for two Directors, both had thigh projects deadlines and had asked me for budget details by the end of the day.

The Action:
I asked both of them for a five-minute meeting and explained that I was unable to get all of the budget information on a day for both of them. I asked them to explains the details of the project so that we could all understand each other's priorities and deadlines. Together we decided how I could assist both of them with the most urgent aspects of their project and set up a task schedule that we could all monitor for completion on our network.

The Result: We discovered that about 15% of the information could be used for both projects and I was able to finish bot set of budget information on-time. Each director knew exactly when their information was available, and could use their time more effectively to meet their deadline.

1 comment:

Paola said...

adorei o post. vou colocar um link la no blog, ok?